Dear Presley,
Your birthday has come and gone along with the months that followed it. Summer is almost over and though it is still warm outside, football is starting so we know that Fall is near. I am late, again, but I cannot let time go by so fast that I neglect to document another year with you. You, my darling, are our sunshine. We are so grateful for each day with you, it is hard to put into words. I can only pray that one day, Jesus blesses you with a child that brings you the joy you have brought us. You are a gift. A gift that brings smiles and giggles and music in way that we never imagined. You are 8 and you are full of spunk. You have found your voice and your confidence and you are lighting the world up with both. You love friends and school and your grandparents. You love chocolate and breakfast. You love sausage biscuits and French Toast. You love your daddy. Oh how you love your daddy. But your heart belongs to your sisters. They are your people. You make them laugh and they keep you from getting hit by a car crossing the street ;) You guys are inseparable and you love each other in a way that only Jesus could have planned. It is incredible getting to watch that everyday. And you, my sweet girl, are still a mama's girl. At least for now.
We have a fun life, filled with piano and theater. And this year, for your 8th birthday, we filled it with Mickey Mouse. As a huge surprise for you and your sisters daddy and I flew you guys to Disney World for four of the BEST days we have had so far. You love surprises and you were SO surprised! Below is the card we had you read before we told you:
Dear Presley,
Happy Birthday!! Tomorrow you will turn 8 years old!! Mama and Daddy are so proud of the sweet girl that you are!! You are kind and funny and gifted in so many ways. You bring sunshine into our family with your sweet smile and your great attitude. We know you wanted something BIG to happen on your birthday, and you know how daddy loves to give you everything you want;). So tomorrow all three of you are getting a BIG surprise! We hope your birthday is awesome, Sis. We love you.
Mama and Daddy
Presley, it was so much fun and you were so surprised. Your favorite ride was Splash Mountain, but you rode everything and always with your hands up! We met so many characters, we had breakfast with Mickey and his friends while they sang a birthday song for you. We had cupcakes and balloons in the hotel room! We even let you try cotton candy ;). We got up early and stayed out as late as we could take it!! It was magical, it was fun, it was awesome and there isn't another kid in the world that deserved a big birthday like that more than you.
You are such a fun kid, Sis. You are so smart. You excel in Math and Spelling. You aren't big on reading books, but your level is high. You say "all books are boring in the middle". I can imagine it is difficult to write a book to keep a mind like yours occupied. You are mature and polite and very matter of fact. You love playing in the rain and riding with the windows down. You like rock music and Jerry Lee Lewis. You dance and tumble and run more than you sit still. You are good at almost everything you try, yet you are one of the most humble human beings I have ever met. You prefer to compliment others, you have no desire you out do anyone you love (except maybe Kat haha). You love your cousins and your family. William and Savannah you especially have a connection with.
You love purple and rainbows. You love animals, all of them. You wear black combat boots in the heat of the summer. You make friends with people who look lonely and you are kind to older people even if they scare you. You and Big and great friends and if he is around, you are sitting with him or on him. You are independent but you still struggle with what people think, I hope that goes away, because you are tremendous just like God made you. Music is your home. You love it. If you aren't playing it, you are singing it. I pray that you remember as you get older how much peace it gives you. As life gets harder, you will need it.
I am blown away by the love Jesus has shown us by making you ours. I will never understand it, but I will praise Him for it daily.
Happy Birthday, Baby.
Thanks for making us smile.
Mama and Daddy and Kat and Josie