I laugh when I think of what you are like at 2. You are a two year old. You are everything a 2 year old should be. You are not behind, you are not delayed, you are NOTHING like they prepared us for you to be. You are perfect, better than that you are Josie Hope and there is no one else like you. I call you the human tornado. You are WIDE OPEN all of the time. You are loud and funny and have terrible temper. You are friendly and your presence makes people feel good. You are beautiful and though you love your mama, your loyalty lies with your daddy and your uncle Brett. They are your favorites.
You love the Fresh Beat Band and Mickey Mouse. Your sisters are your world and you trust them. You talk to Big all day on the phone and Janet and Nana are two of your best buddies on the planet. You lack nothing. You are loved, you are cherished, you are completely rotten. Some say you deserve it, most of us agree.
You had a great birthday. The Ogle family came to celebrate and we made you a cinnamon cake with pumpkin icing. You had two pieces. Mama and Daddy got you a tricycle and a guitar ;) You loved your beep beep!! It was a great day and ended perfectly with a visit from Uncle Brett who you call Da Da.
Mama, Daddy, Kat, and Presley