Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Doc.

Just over eight years ago I made a huge decision that changed the entire course of my life.  I decided NOT to get married.  Yep, you read it correct. I was engaged to a man that I, for years, thought was the one I was supposed to be with and I called it off.  Handed back the ring, walked out of his condo and never looked back.  It was the single best decision that I ever made.  It was brave and crazy and hard and brilliant.  Less than 6 months later I married Doc. 

Today is his birthday. And for some reason no matter how I try to make it special, it always seems to fall apart and just be another day for him.  One year I planned to celebrate with Kat and Presley and instead he came home from being out of town and I was so very sick,  Four days later we lost Bennett.  The year that followed that is all we were able to think about so it just went right by.  That was 2010 and 2011.  Honestly 2012 escapes me but 2013 we had brought the tiny one home only 6 days before. I cooked, the girls decorated, Josie was home on oxygen. we gave it our best shot but the man worked until after 7 and to say he wasn't in the mood to celebrate would be an understatement.  That did not stop him from eating banana pudding ;).  This year I planned for some of his favorites to be in town and made reservations for dinner. But as the week unfolded we seemed to get one phone call after another and the day has resulted in him going to Atlanta this afternoon.  In short, we will not even see him until tomorrow.  It is not for lack of trying mind you, but the man's birthday always seems to get away without him really celebrating.  Unfortunate to say the least as in my opinion he should and deserves to be celebrated.  After all this is a man who gives everything he has to people all over the state and beyond daily doing his best to bring them hope and healing.  He is an amazing doctor and if you were to ask any of his patients they would agree. 

None of this bothers him.  He doesn't care. To him it is just another day.  But to ME it is THE most important day of my life.  Without this day in 1975 I would not have the sassy, beautiful, stubborn, bossy, brilliant 6 year old that keeps me sane.  Without this day I would not have the head full of blond curls that wakes up next to me everyday asking me what kind of muffins I plan to make and telling me what she remembers from school the day before. Without this day I would not have given birth to my Bennett that I had dreamt of and wanted since I was old enough to want to be a mama.  Without this day there would be no tiny miracle that changed the hearts and lives of people all over the country.  There would be no undeniable proof of the power of prayer in my home.  There would be no Josie Hope.  Without this day I have no idea who I would be or where I would be.  But I know for certain that I would not be Melanie Hall, and I was born to be the mama of these four babies and the wife of the man with the world's best set of dimples and an unusual obsession with ice cream sandwiches. 

So Happy Birthday to the man that has made all of my dreams come true. Though it seems like we have spent the last eight years just trying to survive, I look forward to living the next 60 celebrating the fact that we DID survive ;))  I love you.  I appreciate you. I am proud to be your wife.  Together we have survived more than I even knew was possible and I know that with you by my side we will conquer anything this world brings us!! 

See you soon Doc.
Your Girl 
P.S. George Strait ;)))) 

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