Friday, February 10, 2017

Happy 4th Birthday Josie

Dear Josie,

Your 4th birthday has come and gone, but I have not forgotten it.  It fell right around the time of the girls big show and so the party was not as big as the 3rd birthday, but we were celebrating just the same.  This year you wanted an Ariel party so mommy made you a cake a decorated it. It was the first decorated cake I have ever done, so I'll give myself a C- for it ;) ,  Josie at 4 year are amazing.  You speak so well.  You are funny and witty and a giant pain in the butt and we love every minute of it.  You want to be big so badly. At times I find myself wishing away time because I want more sleep or things to be easier.  But then you crawl up in my lap, all 28 lbs of you, and you tell me I am your best friend and that you love your daddy the best and I am so grateful for those nights that you wont let me sleep.  I am not sure what the Lord has in store for you.  You are smart and you have great pitch for singing already. You can hold harmony with Kat and Presley, so I have to imagine you will come up behind them loving music. Right now, you love Mickey Mouse and talk about going to Dinsey World often. You love dancing and singing and your sisters. You love daddy and you love Uncle Brett.  And Janet and Big are your favorites.  You are learning your ABC's and you can count higher than I remember and you know your colors in Spanish ;)  Your party was filled with friends this year and you loved it.  We had a great time and daddy rented you a Mickey Mouse jump are still taking about it;)

Josie, you are our miracle. Our living proof that Jesus loves us in ways that we will never understand. You are smart and great gymnastics and you are kind.  People often comment on your presence and your blue eyes.  I, on, the other hand, envy those giant dimples you were blessed with.  You are your daddy's twin and he gives you whatever you want, just like he promised a few years ago.

It is a gift to be your mom and watch you grow up with your sisters. You are amazing. You are smart. You are beautiful and you shine Jesus wherever you go.

Mama loves you.

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